Friday, December 10, 2010

Crashing Waves

Last weekend, the Whipps took us out on their boat to Rock Island. It was a great Sunday. It was fun playing in the sand and swimming in the ocean. On the way back it was low tide and there were big waves coming at us. The boat driver was very nervous and the kids were loving the excitement. Sarah and I started talking about Jonah after watching the waves. I bet those waves were big, since God was trying to tell Jonah, you can't run from me. The waves and the storm was so big that the fisherman were throwing cargo over. Finally Jonah jumped in and the waves and the storm stopped. Then our conversation moved to the story, when Jesus was sleeping on the boat and a storm came, so the disciples woke Jesus up. Jesus told the seas to be still and they were still. Then he told the disciples oh ye of little faith. Later that evening I was thinking how many times I am like Jonah and the disciples, were I run away from the big storms or the problems in my life. And God says to me, Meggan why is your faith so little? Why don't you just trust Me and and know that I have a plan for you. He tells me to be still and know that I am God. God is always there and all I have to do is trust in Him and He will calm the storms of my life.

Be still and know that I am God - Psalms 46:10

Friday, December 3, 2010

Shaky Legs

So awhile ago, some other SM's and I went to a waterfall. To get to the waterfall you have to climb down to a river and than you have to cross the river. After you cross the river, there is a steep slope you go down and at last you make it to view a beautiful waterfall. Really easy to get to and a beautiful scenery. However, what we learned afterward is you are not to go to the waterfall while it is raining, because the current or the water flow is stronger. Well, it just so happened we went to the waterfall, while it was raining. But that certain day, I was particularly shaky. I stood and watched my legs shake. I was to far in to turn back and I really wanted to see the fall so I kept going. I was taking my time which was fine, but than it was time to cross the river. I current was strong and the water was high. After thinking I should turn around and friend offered to help me over. First, I said no I was fine, but I kept him close just is case, because I was so shaky, I thought I was going to fall over. So, he was there just in case, something to grab on to in case I fall. After a long while, I made it across the river a little wetter then I had started my journey, but I was across. Now it was time for the steep slope. It was straight down. Again a friend offered to help me down, but again I was to stubborn to accept. Half way down the slope, my shaky legs gave out and I ended up sliding the rest of the way down. This friend, held out his hand and helped me back up. Nicely he didn't say should of let me help you or anything like that. He asked if I was okay and than asked if he could help me now. So, with extra help I made it to see the waterfall and back up again. Not exactly sure why my legs, arms, and hands were shaky that day, but the experience was worth it. After this I was thinking and how often this becomes my relationship with God. My walk with God becomes shaky and I feel like I can't go on. But I keep treading on keeping God there just in case, but not really wanting Him. God says, "I am here let me help." But I am to stubborn to accept. Finally, I fall. God is there waiting, He sticks out His hand and asks, "can I help you now?" After shaking and failing I am ready to accept and continue my walk with God. With God I can see the beauty and make it back up the hill. To often this becomes my relationship with God. But what an amazing Father I serve who is always there and ready to pick me up when I fall.

Wednesday, December 1, 2010

4th Grade Happenings

This week has been filled with ups and downs, highs and lows. But as I think about it every week is that way. I don't think I would want to have a week with no downs or lows. I don't think the ups and the highs would be as exciting. I will start by sharing a sadness of this week. Yesterday, Ishbel, had her last day of school. She is leaving tonight to head back to Australia. I am excited for her. She gets to go back to where she is from and see all here friends and family again. At the same time it is very sad to see her go. Ishbel, was a quite student, always did her work and got decent grades. What I loved the most about Ishbel is that she beat to her own drum. She did not care what others thought and she was happy to do what she wanted to do. She was really good friends with Ailan and Mesikt, but yet she was still happy doing her Ishbel thing. I think that for a 10 year old that is a great quality to have. If only I could spend time caring what others think and just doing what I wanted to do, how much better off I might be sometimes. I will miss Ishbel, she was a great student and will be greatly missed. It is hard to lose students. You get so used to doing everything in a certain number, but when your 21 becomes 20 it is a sad day.
Along with the sad there is good. Today is Merkii's birthday. Today she turned 10. It is so exciting when the kids have birthdays. They are just so excited about turning a year older. Merkii's mom brought in cake and ice cream and the kids got to join in the celebration of another year of life for Merkii. Life is such a precious thing and each new year is exciting. It was funny though. I remember as a kid my mom would always ask so how does it feel to be a year older, so I asked Merkii that today and she said the same thing I always said, "It feels the same." We never realize how much we grow and change in a year. It is a special time to get to celebrate birthday's with my students. Each birthday is special.
Teaching comes with it's funny moments as well. Today, 8B had chapel, they put on the story of Jonah. They did a great job. When Ms. Rossi was telling about the lesson of the story, she said, "raise your hand if you have ever made a mistake before." Most everyone in the audience raised there hands. I really wasn't thinking much about raising my hand I was just listening and thinking. Than one of my students, Edson, turned around and said Ms. Meggan you've made mistakes... than there was a pause... and a quite raise your hand. Edson said this in a really respectful way it. But it just made me laugh the way he said it. Edson is quite the kid you never know what he is going to say sometimes. He is one for the kids say the darnest things.
Another up and down in my classroom is a child named Rendi. I do love that kid dearly, but there are days with him that I just want to pull my hair out. For example, on Monday we had a fire drill, every student was lined up and we were all waiting for Rendi who was just chilling at his desk, because he did not want to line up. When I got on him to get up. He told me it was just a drill, so he wasn't moving. Than I asked what if it were a really fire. His response was I can handle it. So, if the whole classroom where on fire, you could handle it. Yup, sure could. Sometimes am at a lost for word with this kid. The conversation went on and he ended up back talking me, which landed him in the corner and a lost recess for not being willing to do the fire drill. I got his normal, but I did not do anything comment and that was it. Than there are other times when Rendi can be great. Like today after school, since he as to stay after school until all his homework is done, we were working on his Science assignment together. He was trying and looking up answers. He did pretty good on the assignment too. First quarter, he had all F's, which where the staying after school started. Today, he was asking about his grades since was doing work now, I told him we need to work on Social and Math, those are his only two F's now everything else is a C. I am so proud of the progress he has in his grades. Rendi is a great kid, I think I say his name more times a day than anyone elses. I love him more and more as the days go on. I know he has a rough life and I pray for him every night. The days Rendi is absent, which are alot, it is quite in the classroom and I miss Rendi. I think every classroom needs it's one trouble maker. Class just isn't the same with out them.
So it is now December, getting the classroom ready for Christmas and getting the students ready for the end of the semester. We have made a Christmas tree and colored white paper green and taped it to the wall. Today, the students drew nativity pictures which are now on the wall. I love Christmas and being able to decorate my classroom. On Friday, we are going to make ornaments for our tree and snowflakes to go around the classroom. While doing this I plan on playing the one Christmas CD that I brought with me. If it weren't so hot here I would bring in hot chocolate. But when it is 80 some degrees and humid with the ercon on, hot chocolate is the last thing you want. Christmas is different here in Palau and it is only the first day of December, but I am exciting that I get to spend this holiday with a classroom of bright smiling 4th graders.

Friday, November 12, 2010


On Friday, one of my students, Merep, had a major melt down. Not exactly sure why, I went and talked to him. After hugging him for a few minutes and letting him just cry it out, I asked him what was wrong. His response was, have you ever been so upset you just want to scream. Being confused by his comment, I asked if another student has said something mean or hurt him in any way. He response was no, I just miss my dad. Then I asked him if his dad was away on business, to my surprise, he told me that his dad had died this summer. I would have never guessed this. Merep always comes to school happy with a smile on his face. He is not a straight A student, but his grades are pretty good. I would have never know. I was so shocked by what he had said that I wasn't exactly sure what to say. But by the grace of God words just started coming out of my mouth. I have no idea where they were coming from at the time, but God had given me the words to say. After we talked for awhile I prayed with Merep and I will continue to pray for him. It is never easy to lose the ones we love. But God knows exactly what we are going through. He sent is Only Son down to this earth and He watch Him die, so that is could save the lives of all us sinners. That is amazing love right there. After words, I was thinking about my conversation with Merep, and made me think of The Little Princess, when she say the poem My daddy has to go away, but he'll be back some other day. Well I reworded the poem a little and applied to God and His second coming and it goes like this: My Daddy had to go away, but He'll be back some other day, to take me home where I belong and I will live with Him the rest of my lifelong. God is preparing a home for me right now in heaven and one day he going to come down and bring back to heaven with him. It will be a great day, we will be reunited with the loved ones we have lost, but most importantly we will get to see Jesus and what a great day that will be. "When we all get to heaven, what a day of rejoicing that will be, when we all see Jesus we'll sing and shout the victory."

Thursday, November 4, 2010

When there is nothing to do...

So last night another SM, Karie and I were sitting around with really nothing to do. It was almost 10 and we were both really just to tired to get up and go to bed. I was trying to write a friend back an email not really sure what to say, so I asked Karie what she thought, and she began to talk and I began to type. However we did not come up with an email response, but rather a letter that I am going to give to my future husband one month before the wedding and here is what the letter says:

November 3, 2010 – 9:53 p.m.

My Dearest Love,

Have you bought a house yet? I was thinking we should get married next month. We really would need a place to live under short circumstances. So you really should get on with your house buying. I prefer a lime green interior. And for the exterior I am thinking hot pick on the north and west wall, and pale orange on the east and south. As much as you dislike purple, I insist that every door be painted purple that my heart will be happy and we can live together happily ever after. If you don’t mind me asking, please remove all the windows from the house. After my experience in Palau, I prefer the open air feeling a screen provides. There doesn’t need to be any closets in the house as nail will do just fine to hang our clothes on. I highly suggest tearing a hole in the roof also, as to provide a way of escape for the smoke. I suggest this whole be near the kitchen. Um let’s see, the table needs to have three legs not four, as this prevents any possibility of wobbling. You know how I don’t like my tables to wobble. To finish it off, I demand 100% see through curtains. If for any reason these specific and highly important demands are not met, I am afraid the marriage must be called off, because it is clear that you are not Mr. Right. But then again I have always gotten my right and left confused.

Sincerely, with the deepest kind of synthetic love


Monday, November 1, 2010

Teaching Without a Voice

I discovered as a teacher you get sick a lot more often and stay sick longer. My three week cold had developed into laryngitis on week four. I woke up one Tuesday morning not being able to talk. I thought to myself. Oh, great how am I going to teach 21 4th graders in this high pitched soft squeaky voice. I managed to make it through the first day. My students just had to be super quiet, listen very carefully and there was a lot of busy work. So I woke up on Wednesday hoping and praying my voice would be back. But it was even worse than the day before. Once again the Lord had blessed. Corey, the gym coach, came and taught Bible and English. Karie, the 5B teacher came in a taught Science and Reading during her free period. The rest of the day class was taught by me with my whistle to get their attention and writing the instructions on the chalkboard. Thursday luckily was a half day. With the help of Corey and Karie I was able to make with through another day. The Lord had really blessed that week, because there is no way I would of been able to teach and make it through those days without Him. It was great, cause even my trouble makers stepped and stop listening and helped get the class quiet. The Lord shows His presence many times even when you are not looking.

Sunday, October 31, 2010


Roaches... In the bathroom

Before you go to any place they tell you about the bugs and spiders and different things like that. I even knew there would be roaches and I was told that these roaches fly. But it never crossed my mind till I experienced these massive (and yes they are massive roaches). My first encounter with the roach was in September. It was late at night and I got up to use the bathroom. I turned on the light and did and check. I found one roach on the floor. Another SM, Sarah, killed the roach. So I thought I was all good. But no the experience does not end there. So I picked up the toilet paper roll and a massive roach came flying out at me. At this point I am now screaming and it is about midnight. Sarah again comes running out of her room and I come screaming out of the bathroom. Cause of this roach that came flying at me. And my friends the first roach that crossed my path. It was quite the experience.

Roaches... In the classroom

One Friday in October, like all Fridays I was reading my 4th graders a story. So, I was reading the story and I looked up and saw that three or four students had their hands raised. Which was really strange for story time. Kind of confused not sure who to call on first, one of my students blurted out Ms. Meggan there is a roach next to you. I looked to my right and sure enough there was a roach sitting right next to me. Come to find out I was sitting on his antenna. Quickly I got up and asked one of my 4th graders, Edson, to remove the roach. Well, he came got the roach but did not have a good grip on the roach and the roach came flying towards me. I think that was the the girlist high pitched scream ever to come out of my mouth. Finally the roach was removed from my classroom. My 4th graders had a good laugh over my fear of the roach. I now believe that the roach just wanted to hear the story too.

I believe encounter the roaches will make me stronger some way some how. I have not been brave enough to kill a roach myself yet, but I will kill one before I leave here and yes you will hear about the first roach I kill. I might even try and get a picture of one to share. I just have to remember when it comes to roaches what my mom always taught me... what does not kill you, makes you stronger.

Sunday, April 25, 2010

Saying Good-bye

For the past two years, I have been the children's chruch leader at a sunday church, called Asland Terrance Christian church. I have grown to love the church and those children in so many ways. Now don't get me wrong there were those Sundays that I did not want to get out of bed and just wanted to sleep in, but I drug myself out of bed and off to Ashland Terrance. Each day bought forth new adventures and challenges and I loved every minute of it. I loved when the children had questions, because it meant they were curious about the Bible. I loved talking to them each week and getting to know them on individual basis. These children slowly became another family to me, it was like have 6 new little brothers and sisters that I could play with and teach a watch grow. I have watched these kids grow it is amazing how much a difference if made when the 6 year olds are now turning 8 and the 9 years are turning 11. It has been amazing to watch this children grow into little adults for the past two years. However, about three weeks I ago I had to tell these children of mine that I was not coming back next year. That instead I was going to the island of Palau to teach other children about Jesus. That is a hard conversation to have with 7 - 12 year olds. Now today was my last Sunday with the church and these children whom I love so dearly. My children with the help of the adults, threw me a pizza good-bye party and the church blessed me with donations to my trip which will help in so many ways. After the party was over and it was time to leave, all the children huged me good bye and took my email adress and gave me their email address. Some told me, "we love you Miss Meggan," others asked if I would stay. After the children left the classroom, I cleaned up the room just like I normally do, I pushed in all the chairs and picked up all the chairs. Than when the room was clean. I turned off the light for the last time. As I turned off the light for the last time I looked around the room and that feeling of sadness and emptyness came over me, for I realized this is the last time I will get to teach these children. They will now have a teacher who grow to loves these children, the same way I grew to love these children. As I stood in the classroom, in a moment of silence I than step out of the classroom and close the door and steped outside to embark on the new journey that is ahead of me. Because as when ever God closes one door another door is waiting to be entered. I do miss my children at Ashland Terrance, but I am ready to go on my next journey to Palau to teach more children about God and His amazing love. I know God will bless in so many ways this next year, just like He has blessed me these past year. I will continue to pray for my children and hope that they all grow up loving Lord. These children will forever and always be part of my life that I will never forget.